Thursday, November 10, 2011


So when I was doing a play (that got cancelled) I met a guy- C. And at rehearsal we got yelled at for making jokes and hung out other times. But we agreed that we were just friends- because I am in my 23s, and he is almost twice my age.

But, he makes me laugh, and takes care of me. He told me "if you want to talk about the assault [the one I talk about but don't mention the sexual aspect] I'll listen." We're still hanging out. I can talk to him on the phone for half an hour, and I don't like talking on the phone.

So, there's chemistry. I was at his house on Sunday, he made dinner. When I was looking at my phone to see when I could come over again he asked, "what, you got another guy?" He also asked when I lost my virginity, which I deflected.

The thing I am questioning is, just because I am attracted to someone, who is attracted back, do I have to act on it? I have serious qualms about the age thing- what if I end up taking care of him, what if I do decide I want kids. And even short term, we are from different generations. There are things I don't understand about him, his attitudes.

I am growing more confident around men. I went to a networking event last night and two guys hit on me. One, T, asked if I ever went to a certain bar. I said I was Friday night (for a friend's going away party, I don't normally) and he said maybe he'd see me there. We had a good conversation about sci-fi.

C is taking me to a show Saturday (date much?) and I know we need to have a conversation. I'm just not sure what it's going to consist of...

1 comment:

  1. Relationships, after that kind of experience, are one step at a time. I will tell you that it helps them understand a lot if you are honest with them about what has happened to you... I think the honesty part also helps rebuild the trust in men you may lost.
